Leppilampi, Mikko=Hannus Kouki, Mikko=Eemeli Heimonen, Oskari=Eemeli 11-vuotiaana. Ron, Roi=Eemeli 5-vuotiaana. Birn, Laura=Aada Siilasmaa, Nella=Aada 9-vuotiaana. Tuisku, Antti=Mikko Sipil?, Alpo=Mikko 9-vuotiaana ... She takes a vacation at a small town health spa where she meets Virgil, a blind masseur. She falls in love with him for the senses he loves that she takes for granted. They listen to the rain, they make love, and then she does research on restoring sight he ...
Hannusas anna var en fattig bondmora för länge sedan, som bodde i sin lilla stuga i skogen (i terjärv)själv. Hon hade en ko som hon brukade tigga hö ?t, av bondarna (även av min farfars pappa när han var liten). ...
She takes a vacation at a small town health spa where she meets Virgil, a blind masseur. She falls in love with him for the senses he loves that she takes for granted. They listen to the rain, they make love, and then she does research ...